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About English Origenes
English Origenes was founded by Dr Tyrone Bowes in 2013. Dr Bowes grew up in Ballymun in Dublin City, Ireland, and was always curious about the origin of his surname (Bowes is a very English sounding name). Although he had a keen interest in history and geography, he pursued his main interest which was Biology. He obtained a Diploma in Biology with Distinction in 1995, a 1st Class Honours Degree in Biotechnology in 1998, and a Ph.D. in Neuroimmunology in 2003. He has worked extensively in both academic and industrial research labs.
Out of curiousty he submitted his families DNA for commercial ancestral Y-DNA testing in 2004.
By combining his expertise in biology, and his hobbies in history and geography he was able to piece together the clues as to his Bowes origin (the Y-DNA test only explores the paternal line). His DNA reveals that his 'Bowes' ancestors were infact Native Irish (O'Bowe), had their own distinct Clan, and lived in a very specific part of Ireland. His ‘Bowes’ ancestors were related to other Clans that lived close by, and they left their mark on the placenames where they lived for hundreds if not thousands of years. What’s even more surprising is that his distant relatives still live in that area (CLICK HERE) to read the Bowes Y-DNA Case Study (updated April 2020). Subsequent DNA testing of males named Bowe/Bowes in the area he pinpointed confirmed his Irish ancestral origin!
With this discovery, he set about (in 2010) producing the tools necessary to pinpoint ones Irish, Scottish and ENGLISH origin based on commercial DNA test results; including Databases and Maps (Surnames, Clan Territories, and Castles)! In 2011 the Irish Origenes website was launched, followed by the Scottish Origenes and English Origenes websites (a Welsh Origenes website is planned for 2021). Since 2012 customers have commissioned Irish, Scottish and English Origenes to produce their DNA reports. Those reports pinpoint specific origins for their Irish, Scottish and English ancestors based on commercial Y-DNA, Autosomal or mtDNA test results. His most notable customers have included the President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins (pictured), the late Norman P McClelland of Shamrock Foods (pictured, founder of the Irish Cultural Center and McClelland Library, Phoenix, Arizona) and Professor Sir George Bain (formerly president and vice-chancellor of Queen's University Belfast).
CLICK HERE to contact English Origenes for a FREE CONSULTATION on your DNA test results or to find out which painless commercial DNA test is suitable for you.