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New Chaney Y-DNA Case Study added to English Origenes
For cultural and historical reasons it can be more difficult to pinpoint one's English ancestral origin. But as more and more people test the success rate increases. I now have a 60% success rate with English Y-DNA studies. Chaney is an interesting surname. It is associated with the Norman invasion of England but also turns up as ‘Cheyne’ in both Aberdeenshire and Shetland in Scotland. If your Chaney ancestor departed Britain then it is often impossible to make the connection back to the UK and ultimately It is really only with commercial ancestral DNA testing that you can determine whether your Chaney ancestors were Norman, English or Scottish. In addition your DNA can determine whether your Scottish Cheynes were from Aberdeenshire or Shetland or whether your English Chaney ancestors were from Norfolk, Kent or Northamptonshire! To find out how to interpret your commercial DNA test results simply download and study the Chaney DNA Case Study by clicking here. If you are a Chaney and believe that you are related to this particular branch of Chaneys then you can contact ‘Ginger’ who commissioned the report ( If you are interested in commercial ancestral DNA testing then contact me here to find out where to test. If you have had commercial ancestral DNA test and would like me to do a FREE CONSULTATION then contact me by clicking here.